Murderous times in the studio

I invested some money in these beautiful weapons from Niwaki, they cut beautifully which is such a treat, I sit them next to my lovely Victorian snippers in the studio.

I’m working on a children’s book at present, nothing commissioned or anything, just putting ideas together. I made this image of an angry Thomp thumping what will be a tomato but for now just looks much more gory than that. I made the body out of some nice spotty paper my dad made for lining an antique chest with. Only after I’d made it did I realise he’s made it out of The Book of Martyrs!

Here’s a small sample of The Book of Martyrs for you. Gosh I don’t know how everything ended up so extremely graphically gory and on my first foray in to making a children’s book too. Oh well.

Here’a a nice bit of relief from the bloodshed - I love it when these little things happen on my desk.