Just a little picture of me being a massive hippy at Wasing Estate.
I enjoyed this article and found it very true, even if the title is a tad click-baity
We watched Will and Harper at the weekend and really enjoyed it, you should watch it too.
If you're sat down watching a film why not stuff some controversial crisps in your mouth. Ok, they're not that controversial it's just that some people don't like them. Those people are losers. In my humble opinion.
In case you need another word game in your life; I enjoyed Alphaguess.
On a darker note, I found this article on the Wim Hof case really well written, it's interspersed with the views of domestic Violence experts as well as testimony from all parties. It's a harrowing read.
The last days of summer saw our garden turned into a small village of dens, I love it when they get right into playing.
I'm so happy that Sade is releasing a song: Transa, a spiritual journey in eight chapters celebrating trans people. I didn't think I could love her more, she's a regular on the studio playlist.
Beata Heuman's Swedish house is a bit fucking nice. Her name sounds a bit like Better Human; I think she probably is.
I have John Wilson's How To series 3 to catch up on! love that show.
Also I've been perusing this shop on Vinterior, so much treasure. And this one is on sale.